For a primer on HashCoins, their place in our game, and future utility, check out the original introduction to HashCoin article. It will bring you up to speed on HashCoins and their utility!
This article is Part 2 in a two part series discussing the preliminary minting value of HashCoins, earning HashCoins through the HashGuardians Quest System, and a few thoughts on the future of HashCoins.
Click here to read Part 1.

While much of the focus has been on passive HashCoin utility, the bulk of potential HashCoin earnings in our ecosystem will come from active playing and in-game mechanics. Due to our current state of development, it is only natural to focus on the passive side, but we want to take a moment and dive into our plans for in-game HashCoin earnings as well.
As mentioned in Part 1, the figures below may evolve as we continue our development and the HashGuardians Universe continues to expand. Our primary goal is to create a balanced HashCoin economy that is both sustainable and rewarding. The gaming community is gradually shifting away from traditional gaming economies to a play-to-earn model, and a new set of incentives are being introduced for players. For our part, we want to implement this is a responsible way, especially this early in our development.
When HashGuardians is officially launched, there will be multiple in-game methods of earning HashCoins. There will be random loot drops that can be discovered while exploring our open-world map, HashCoin rewards for in-game missions completed by players, and special HashCoin earning events taking place in the HashGuardians Universe from time to time. For many players, however, the HashGuardians Quest System (HQS) will be the primary in-game method of earning HashCoins on a weekly basis.
Every 7 days, players will receive a set of weekly quests via the HQS. These quests will be randomly selected from our pool of quests, and the rarity of each quest will also be randomly assigned. Each quest will have various levels of difficulty or completion requirements based upon the assigned rarity for that week. Common quests may be fairly simple to complete, but legendary quests will be quite difficult, and often require several steps prior to completion. The HashCoin rewards for completing a quest will be based upon the rarity/difficulty of the specific quest.
The HQS is designed to assign quests to each player on an individual basis. These will not be server-wide quests lists. This will help keep gameplay dynamic as well as encourage players to be active in all portions of the game at any given time.
At launch, each player will receive 5 quests per week from the HQS. It will be possible to get 4 common quests and 1 rare quest in a week, while rolling 1 common, 2 rare, and 2 legendary quests the very next week. The rarity and distribution of quests will be randomly assigned to players every week, and quests need to be completed before the end of the 7 day period. It is technically possible to get 5 legendary quests in a single week, but if that happens, we also suggest you purchase a lottery ticket right away!!
There will be hundreds of different quest and rarity combinations, and these will only become more diverse as we get farther and farther into our development.
In the picture below, you can see the specific quest, the highlighted rarity assigned to it for the week, and the potential HashCoin rewards for completing it. The percentage value next to each rarity shows the chance of that rarity being selected each week. For example, players will have a 16% chance of rolling a rare quest, while only a 4% chance of earning a legendary quest.

Given the distribution of rarity and rewards in the HQS, and the additional methods of actively earning HashCoins, we can roughly approximate HashCoin earnings each month. An average player spending a few hours a week playing may earn 500–1000 HashCoins per month. An average player with good luck on the HQS rarities and a bit of gaming skill may earn 1500 HashCoins in a month. A very active, skilled player may earn 2740 HashCoins (or more) in a month if they have great luck with the weekly HQS rarities. Each player’s HQS-specific HashCoin earnings will directly depend on the skill of the player, time spent in-game, and their weekly luck with HQS rarity levels.
The HQS system will account for a large portion, but not all, of the potential methods for earning HashCoins each week.
Once again, these numbers are estimates as we are in the early phases of the HashGuardians Quest System. Some changes are possible as we seek to provide rewarding, balanced gameplay. It is our desire to reward our players as much as possible, and we feel that steady, sustainable growth in all areas is the best way to accomplish this for many years to come. HashCoins and their redemption value are just one important part of our play-to-earn economy.

HashCoins Phase 2: Thoughts on the future
At this time, HashCoins are an in-game currency only, and should be treated as such. The following details are potential ideas for the future of HashCoins, but these are purely conceptual ideas based upon our current state of development. These details may change.
From our original article on HashCoins, you may remember that Phase 2 involves our continued efforts to create an on-chain, DEX traded token. In Europe, this is not a particularly easy thing to accomplish at this time given KYC requirements and banking regulations.
Despite these obstacles, and beyond our work on the HashGuardians gameplay, we are also working on the future of HashCoins. From a gameplay/mechanics/economy standpoint, there are a number of ways to turn an in-game coin into a DEX token. Some are simple, while others are a bit more nuanced; each with its own benefits and detriments.
What all of these options have in common is the introduction of a new token into our ecosystem, beyond the in-game HashCoin. This new token would be subject to a strict tokenomic and supply. Depending on the state of the Cardano blockchain, or possibly a secondary chain used for the token, the new token could be swapped directly on known DEX sites like Sundaeswap, Uniswap, or similar.
The distribution of the new token could be done via on-chain airdrop or similar claiming systems. We are considering several distribution methods, including the direct HashCoin related distribution. A few other distribution formats have also jumped out at us recently: the $SOS tokens that have been dropped for OpenSea users and the $Gas tokens given to MetaMask users. Each of these distribution models reward active engagement with the associated platform, and for HashGuardians, this may be another way to encourage active HashCoin usage and in-game participation.
There are many different possibilities, and we will seek to fairly reward out community with any new token distribution, including publishing any additional information in advance. We would not be here without each and every one of you!
In the end, we just want to assure everyone that we are still working on the Phase 2 economy, while balancing the in-game HashCoins economy as well. Each step in our work will seek to build upon the previous. And to reiterate, the ideas above are forward looking concepts about what the future of an on-chain HashGuardians token may be. As always, we look forward to discussing things with our community and have an open ear for ideas. Feel free to drop any ideas you might have in the #-ideas- channel on discord!
We look forward to continual development, innovation, and growth when it comes to HashGuardians and the play-to-earn economy within the HashGuardians Universe!
Now if only we could get dev team to finish up the HashCoin Payment System for the Pre-Alpha HashBoxes already….. 😉
See you again soon, Guardians!